If you’re a digital marketer there is a good chance you pay close attention to the analytics of your website, and you’ll be doing everything you can to increase the number of leads that you’re passing through to the sales team each month.
It’s always possible to increase your conversion rate through website improvements, but it comes to a point where the rate of return vs. the resources invested starts to slow.
Prospects that complete your online forms are like gold dust - they’ve shown clear interest in your products and services, and they’ve given you exactly what you need to start a conversation with them.
But what about all of that traffic that is unaccounted for - the traffic that comes and goes without leaving their contact details. How do you start a conversation with those prospects? There is a way…and it’s called Lead Forensics.

Lead Forensics is the UK’s No. 1 visitor tracking solution that identifies the exact business name and contact details of every business prospect that visits your website.
For quite some time, 3chillies have been using the Lead Forensics software. Now, after plenty of testing, we’ve decided to partner with Lead Forensics, and start telling our own clients about their software.
We’ve taken some time to describe how lead forensics works, what information it offers, and how we use the software to generate pipeline for our business…
When a prospect visits your website via their work computer, important data is transferred behind the scenes. Google analytics uses a lot of this information to form some of their statistics, such as the geographical location of your visitors and the device type they are using.
In amongst all of this information is the visitor’s IP address (a unique identifier exclusive to that single computer). On its own, the IP address is fairly useless information, but with a system like Lead Forensics who have a huge database of known IP addresses, it can be matched against a company name and it's contact details.
When you sign into the lead forensics portal you’ll be directed to your dashboard, an area that gives an overview of your website performance.
Selecting “Visitor List” in the top navigation will take you to the good stuff – the most recent visitors you’ve had to your site:

Lead Forensics Visitor List
Shown above is a highly filtered view of our visitor list from 26/08/2015. I’ve blurred the company names from this view for obvious reasons, not least because we are currently in talks with one of the companies listed.
For an even more detailed view it’s possible to click into each visit, and doing so will lead you to the following screen:

Once you know the company name and you’ve got a good idea of the services that they’re interested in, you’ll need to find the contact who visited your website. To achieve this, we use LinkedIn (with a Sales Navigator Premium Account) because it’s easy to search for employees by company name, function and a whole host of other metrics.
If you’re unable to boil your search results down to just one possible prospect, that’s ok: just spread your bets by contacting every possible lead available. With a specific name to hand, you’ll have no problem getting through the gatekeepers if you choose to follow up the visit with a telephone call. However, we prefer to make contact directly from within Linkedin as it makes your message more personal. Inmails, messages, and connection requests are all valid methods of starting a conversation with the correct person.
If you’re limited for time, sending a connection request is probably the preferred approach, and it’s especially good when you haven’t been able to boil your lead list down to just one person because the process often eliminates those that aren’t interested and identifies the person that is.
Whether you are sending an Inmail or contacting the prospect via telephone, you’ll be able to use one of the following two techniques as an icebreaker:
The Straight-talking approach
This approach openly admits that you’ve been watching the prospects movements through your site. Your pitch might start like this:
“We’ve invested in a tool that notifies us when other companies visit our website, and earlier today a representative from [insert company name] paid us a visit. Judging by the pages they viewed on our website, it’s clear that the person in question is interested in our [insert service/product name], and I wanted to get in touch with that person because I’m certain that we can help [insert way you can help].”
The Coincidental Approach
This approach makes it seem coincidental that you’re getting in contact at the right time. Your conversation might go like this:
You: “Hi, I'm calling from [insert company name] because I wanted to [insert way you can help]”
Prospect: “Fantastic, as coincidence would have it, I was on your website just a couple of days ago”
You: “Oh really? Well then it looks like I’ve called at the perfect time”…etc.
Finding the strategy that suits you
The truth is that either sales approach can work, as long as you’re able to formulate a good pitch and offer something of value when the prospect answers.
For us, the coincidental approach is less preferable. We’re a relatively small company so the idea that we might coincidentally call the right contact at the right time is unlikely. We don't just opt for the straight-talking approach because the general population are becoming more aware of the technology that Lead Forensics provide, but we also don’t see the need to hide the fact that we invest in tools that help us to provide a better service for our prospects and customers.
More often than not this process will initiate a conversation, and then it’s up to you as to how you nurture that lead (we use Sitecore’s Marketing Automation tool). The fact is that without Lead Forensics that conversation might never have taken place.
That completes our overview of how we use Lead Forensics, but we’ve by no means covered all of the functionality the tool has to offer.
The best way to learn about Lead Forensics is through a free trial that will allow you to identify the hot leads that come through your website but don’t leave their contact details.
Alternatively, call Mike Graham at Lead Forensics, and be sure to mention 3chillies for your 10% discount.