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It all starts with the Audit. This is where we dive in and analyse your Website/ app/software at both code & customer level.

We’ll also review your system documentation and examine the recent support history / performance issues. 


Following the audit, should you wish to proceed, we’ll make the relevant changes to your Solution to ensure better overall performance. For example, we may advise fixing some bugs that are resulting in regular support tickets, or rectify a common performance bottleneck. These fixes are catalogued during the audit phase and priced up individually. 


If you feel safe in our hands and you wish to continue the journey, we’ll on-board your website and begin to create a knowledge-base that we can use to effectively support your platform. To help us help you further, we might also install and configure additional monitoring systems into your website during this phase. 


Ensure that your website stays in good health through signing up to one of our support agreements. Our range of support packages can be tailored to your organisation's needs, offering peace of mind that your website is in safe hands

All work is performed under a strict non-disclosure agreement

Organise an initial telephone /face to face kick-off meeting.

3chillies will perform the Audit. Audits may take place on-site or remotely.

Receive the Audit report and consider making the necessary fixes.

Request a Callback

To organise an Upgrade or Audit, or for more information on these services, please complete the form below. 

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