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  • By Bryan Archer (CTO)
Bryan Archer (CTO)

Back in October 2014, Sitecore was [for the fifth consecutive year] named a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management. Shortly afterwards, in December 2014, we wrote about the introduction of “Sitecore 8”, the most incredible version of the Sitecore platform to date. Fast forward 7 months and we arrive at present day, where Sitecore have been named as the leader, not just a leader, for “ability to execute” in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management.

For those that are unfamiliar, Gartner is an information technology research firm, and “Magic Quadrant” (MQ) is the brand name for a series of market research reports that they produce. The MQ provides a visual comparison of competing companies in any given technological market, positioning each competitor on a grid with clearly defined axes. For Web Content Management, organisations compete against both “completeness of vision” and “ability to execute”, and Sitecore have propelled themselves upwards for the 2015 MQ showdown:                                                                                                                       

sitecore gartner leader for wcm

Gartner describes the field of Web Content Management with the following definition: “the process of controlling the content to be consumed over multiple digital channels through the use of specific management tools based on a core repository. These may be procured as commercial products, open-source tools or hosted service offerings. Product functions go beyond simply publishing Web content, to include:

  • Content creation functions such as templating, workflow and change management
  • WCM repositories that organize and provide metadata about the content
  • Library services such as check-in/check-out, version control and security
  • Content deployment functions that deliver pre-packaged or on-demand content to Web servers
  • A high degree of interoperability with adjacent technologies, such as CRM, marketing resource management, digital asset management (DAM) and Web analytics
  • Real-time adaptation to visitor interaction
  • Good integration with delivery tiers, such as e-commerce, social media and portal software” 

Whilst this criteria results in an excellent classification system for web content management systems, it’s by no means an exhaustive list of the functionality Sitecore provides. Perhaps this is the reason that Sitecore no longer classify themselves as a CMS, but rather an “Experience Platform”.

Here at 3chillies, we’re very proud to be a Sitecore Gold Partner. We've been backing the platform for many years now, and although we've always known it’s the best solution available, we think it’s great that Sitecore have been given official recognition of that title from a revered technology research company.

If you’d like to learn more about Sitecore, why not get involved in a one to one Demo, or read up on some of the features and functionality available. 

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