3chillies supports the public sector with a G-Cloud 12 listing Thursday, December 10, 2020 3chillies has a strong track record of working with public sector organisations and government departments. Building on our commitment to delivering great services and solutions to the public sector that offer real value for money, we’re pleased to announce that we are now listed on the G-Cloud 12 framework.G-Cloud 12 is a list of government-approved suppliers that helps UK public sector organisations to access cloud computing services more easily. ...
Sitecore 10: What’s new for developers and IT teams Tuesday, August 18, 2020 If you’re a Sitecore customer or developer, you may know that Sitecore 10 was released over the Summer. For the 3chillies team, a new release is always exciting and naturally appeals to our inner geekiness. We also ...
Sitecore 10: What’s new for digital marketers and web teams Tuesday, August 18, 2020 Over the Summer, Sitecore 10 was released, bringing with it a range of new features and capabilities which will be of interest to both developers and digital marketing teams. In my first post, we looked at how ...
Sitecore 9.2: Replace Azure Service Bus with SQL Database Wednesday, May 20, 2020 When installing Sitecore on Azure using the Sitecore Azure Toolkit, by default an Azure Service Bus resource is created to handle the Sitecore Message Bus implementation. This is a new change introduced with Sitecore ...
SameSite Cookie changes Friday, March 6, 2020 What Chrome 80's SameSite Cookie changes mean...With roughly two-thirds of the world-wide browser share, Chrome is easily the most popular web-browser in the world, so when they announce that they're changing how ...
Sitecore 9.3 New features and reasons to upgrade Thursday, November 28, 2019 At 3chillies we are always (maybe a little too) excited when a new version of Sitecore is announced. It can be an emotional roller coaster, highs on reading about the new features and opportunities on offer and then ...
A/B Testing Emails in Sitecore EXM Friday, November 24, 2017 Quick Links:This tutorial is Part 6 of a mini-series on Sitecore's EXM functionality.EXM Part 1 - Intro to Sitecore EXM (FTFM)EXM Part 2 - Creating Contact Lists in SitecoreEXM Part 3 - Creating an Email Campaign in ...
Sitecore & GDPR Friday, November 10, 2017 On 25th May 2018, Europe's data protection rules will undergo substantial changes with the introduction of GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation). At a very high level, the changes in law from the previous ...
Tactic 6 Use Profiles to Personalise Thursday, November 9, 2017 Sitecore’s visitor profiling capability tracks and collects information on customers in real time, at scale. Therefore, as a Sitecore user, you have the ability to track a user’s history of previous interactions on ...
Sitecore 9 has arrived! Tuesday, October 24, 2017 Magnify Your Marketing....On the morning of Tuesday 17th October 2017, the arrival of Sitecore 9 was announced!The unveiling took place during a presentation at the 2017 Sitecore Symposium (Las Vegas), a Biennial ...