3chillies are Sitecore Gold Partners who specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems.The following section provides more information on the Personalisation functionality within Sitecore. After reading this section, we encourage you to learn more about the Sitecore Experience Platform, and the Sitecore Implementation services that 3chillies provide. SITECORE PERSONALISATION Sitecore is a leading Content Management System which offers the opportunity to quickly and easily personalise each visitor’s experience as they journey through your website. PERSONALISATION CAPABILITIES As a marketing professional you’ll have the ability to personalise text, links, pictures, and all other components within your website. Sitecore is built with a user-friendly interface, which means that you won’t be required to know any coding languages, and you won’t have to contact your IT department for help. WHY SITECORE? Our strong belief in the system is built upon years of user experience in combination with unbiased, expert reviews from companies such as Gartner (a company that delivers technology research to business leaders to help make informed decisions on key initiatives Sitecore Demo Sitecore Demos are conducted online allowing you to learn more from the comfort of your own office. Sign up for a free demo now
Marketing Automation 3chillies specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems, with a particular emphasis on the Sitecore CMS. The following section provides more information on the Marketing Automation functionality ...
AB Testing Traditionally, A/B testing website content has been a difficult process, requiring custom coding, constant monitoring, and time-consuming analysis. Sitecore’s built in A/B testing tools make it easy to analyse which content best resonates with ...
Web Forms 3chillies are Sitecore Gold Partners who specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems. The following section provides more information on the Web Forms functionality within Sitecore. After ...